Mother Blessing

A celebration of life, love, pregnancy, and motherhood ~ in honor of the mama-to-be.

+ Envision Your Mother Blessing +

Celebrate, nurture, encourage and support the mother-to-be with a special ceremony to honor her journey and offer blessings for a beautiful birth experience.

The Details

A Mother Blessing, or blessingway, is a ritual to mark the rite of passage into motherhood. Rather than a traditional baby shower that focuses on gifts for the new babe, this ceremony honors and centers around the mama-to-be.

Whether you wish to incorporate a sound bath into your baby shower, or wish to skip the traditional shower altogether, this is a beautiful option for spiritual and holistic mamas.

A few things you could include:

  • Sound bath & guided visualization

  • Birth affirmation flags

  • Plant (herbal or floral) blessing

  • Group prayer/birth blessing

Let’s envision your mother blessing together.


the sacred transition to becoming a mother